Relief Care refers to the provision of a planned period of relief to a family or other identified person who cares for a dependent individual in the home. Under this program, temporary accommodation for the dependent individual is provided for a specified period of at least seven (7) days and not to exceed thirty days, following which the dependent individual returns to his/her former living arrangement.

Target population

The program is intended for individuals with a stabilized chronic illness, chronic physical or mental handicap or functional disability, who do not have specific requirements for diagnosis and therapeutic services, but who require assistance and supervision with activities of daily living and personal care on a daily basis.

Those persons may or may not be in receipt of long term care services.

Criteria for eligibility for the program

The client is a New Brunswick resident.

The client is incapacitated physically and/or mentally requiring care or supervision on a 24 hour basis, whose condition is stable.

The family is willing to sign a contract for admission of the client for a specified period no less than seven (7) days and no greater than thirty days, following which the client returns to his/her former living arrangement.

The client or family agrees to pay, before admission, the established per diem fee for the time period specified in the admission agreement. The per diem rate is established by the Department of Social Development and is established every four (4) months.

The client has not received relief care services in a nursing home during the previous six months.

Admission process

The client or family must register with the Nursing Department of the nursing home.

The client obtains a medical examination from his/her physician who completes the History and Physical Examination form.

The nursing home personnel complete the care assessment.

The nursing home informs the client of his/her acceptance or non-acceptance into the Program.

Once the admission is confirmed, the client and the nursing home sign the admission agreement.

Responsibilities of the client/family

The client/family enters into a contract with the nursing home for:

  • The type of supervisory care and service available;
  • The time that the relief care bed will be utilized by the client;
  • The monetary terms of the agreement.

The family will have the person medically assessed and ensures that the report is brought to the nursing home.

While on the Program, the client is responsible to provide his/her own medications, supplies and/or equipment normally required at home. Medications are to be supplied according to the Nursing Home Regulations.

Responsibilities of the Home

A register of available relief care time and of clients seeking the services is kept in the nursing home and the scheduling or relief care time is coordinated by the Director of Nursing.

The Nursing Home is responsible for determining the eligibility of candidates for the Program, based on medical and nursing assessments.

The Nursing Home assures that the family physician has forwarded the completed history and physical examination report to the Nursing Home prior to the time that the client is accepted to the Program.

The care assessment is the responsibility of the nursing home personnel.

When a client is accepted under this Program, the nursing home notifies the family of any terms and conditions specific to the nursing home.

The nursing home obtains a signed contract from the family prior to admitting a client for relief care.